Ottevanger Milling Engineers
For years, Insoft automatic has been collaborating with famous Dutch company Ottevanger Milling Engineers (https://www.ottevanger.com/ ), a world leader in the field of animal feed production.
The company, founded in 1909, does not only have more than hundred years of experience but references across the globe that guarantee its clients absolutereliability and outstanding quality.
Insoft automatic is Ottevanger’s representative for the territory of former Yugoslavia. Together, we have successfully conducted two joint green field factories – AFF “Global Seed” Čurug and AFF “Cmana” Krnjevo –where Ottevanger delivered mechanical equipment, while Insoft automaticdid project documentation and delivered electro and managing equipment and software. Both factories are of a containerized type, which means that the equipment is preassembled and ready for transport, which considerably shortens the process of assembly.This Ottevanger’s original solution has gained prominence throughout the world.
Today Ottevanger is the leader ofthe Triott group (http://www.triottgroup.com/), which includes the following leading Dutch manufacturers:
-Ottevanger Milling Engineers
– Wynveen International
– TSC Silos
– Inteqnion
– Almex

From 2005, Insoft automatic represents Italian company (http://www.concetti.com/en/ ), the leading manufacturer of packaging and palletizing equipment in Europe
Concetti,founded in 1918 in Bastia Umbra in Italy, has references in more than sixty countries in the world.
Concetti specializes in “turnkey” packaging lines that are highly individualized to meet the client’s needs.
Together, we have a number of references in Serbia and the Balkan region:
– AFF “Sto Posto” Velika Plana
– AFF“Pantelić” Kraljevo
– AFF“Bečejka” Bečej
– AFF“Komponenta” Ćuprija
– Premix factory “Nucsience” Velika Plana
– Institute “NS seme” Novi Sad
– Pellet factory Pljevlja
– Farmina Pet Foods Inđija