Insoft automatic d.o.o. is a company specializing in automation of industrial processes, with a strong focus on the agro-industrial sector, primarily feed and premix factories. Our services range from the design of factory processes to the installation and coordination of electro and feed processing equipment. We also offer software integration with the monitoring information system. With the help of latest technology, we strive to reach the highest possible level of automation in all aspects of plant management. We use adequate electro equipment and software tools to secure reliable control and clear visualization of the whole process.
What is more, we offer complete turn-key project solutions in cooperation with the world-renowned company Ottevanger Milling Engineers from the Netherlands. We have considerable experience in the field, which is evident from more than 70 projects of automated factories, including a couple of “green field” projects.
For the territory of former Yugoslavia, our office is representative of Ottevanger Milling Engineers from the Netherlands and Concetti packaging systems from Bastia Umbra, Italy.